For the last two months i have been documenting our family's evening activities, and below are just a few of the entries. Has "Got a Minute, Eat With Me" changed our lives? You be the judge.
Wednesday November 24, 2010
on this, the third day of this new family experiment, I must say i am noticing subtle changes already. My oldest son's nervous tic is now almost undetectable, as he figures out that this experiment is not some giant government plot to eliminate electronic devices entirely from our daily lives, my wife has been coming home a bit earlier these days, i suspect in order to head off the terrible havoc i have already wreaked on her kitchen and it's utensils through an attempt to make our "sit down" dinners, and my youngest son responds on only the second or third attempt to speak to him.
Tuesday December 12, 2010
today i saw success with my own eyes, as it took a full 2 and a half minutes for the children to turn on their phones, computers and TVs after dinner.
Friday January 7, 2011
a true day of firsts. the first time ever my oldest son volunteered to help with the dishes. the first time ever my wife told me i was correct. The first time ever my youngest son ate everything i cooked.
Monday February 14, 2011
one year ago today, if i had asked my children to "Give mom and dad a little time alone" for Valentine's day, they would have disappeared faster than the speed of light. Tonight they seem to be offended, asking me "Could we just sit down for a short dinner together first?"
Go figure.
I'd say there have been at least a few improvements, Bob. All here in Arkansas send their love.