Wednesday, December 1, 2010

leftover turkey recipe

Hey y'all, i had dinner duty last night, and we had a ton of turkey left over, so i looked in my mother's recipes, combined two recipes and it turned out great.  here it is, try it out!


2 small cans cream of chicken soup
3 cups left over turkey, cut in small pieces
1/3 stick of butter
1 garlic clove, smashed
1 deep pie crust in pan
one package corn bread mix
1 egg
1/3 cup milk

pre-heat oven to 350
in frying pan, bring turkey, butter, soup and garlic to a boil then take off heat.
in a bowl, mix corn bread, milk and egg.
pour soup/turkey mix into pie crust
pour half the cornbread mix on top of pie mix
put the other half of cornbread mix in muffin pan
put pie on a flat pan(in case of boil-over) and put in oven for 30 minutes
or until crust is deep brown
put the corn muffins in for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

simple, easy. and you get rid of some leftovers....

1 comment:

  1. We have been having a blast eating together, but it hasn't been going as easy as "just happening". Been enjoying the blog, but not while eating with the family. As a matter of fact, on Monday, I shut off the TV and powered down the cell phones while we sat around the table and ate Vitale's pizza. I didnt even know that you could eat pizza while sitting around the table. I do have an issue with your recipe, though. My family is comprised of vegetarians. Do you have any good "leftover other stuff" recipes? as it were
